Die Suche ergab 1 Treffer

von RoompotParc2016
23.07.2017, 10:15
Forum: Im Urlaub, Urlaubsbekanntschaft, Urlaubsbekanntschaften
Thema: Roompot Parc Hambachtal, Monday 16.5.2016
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 10292

Roompot Parc Hambachtal, Monday 16.5.2016

Hé! We talked a few sentences during breakfast für the first time, it was Monday the 16th last year in May at Roompot Parc in Hambachtal. You were there with your three children, I was there with my son. You asked me if we could meet later. So we planned to meet at 11 o'clock at the pool. But unfort...